Welcome to The Challenge, A Better You Is Waiting!
Our coach-led Next Level Fitness Program is designed for every fitness level, and delivers:

Are you ready to go to the Next Level in your fitness and well-being?
Well now you can!
Here’s your Next Level Fitness Program!
For 21 days straight, we’re giving you non-stop, no-equipment functional fitness classes, designed to make you feel, look and perform at your peak!
Every workout is led by our superstar coaches who’ll motivate you to break any barrier, who’re ready to answer all your questions during weekly check-in calls.
For less than $100, you'll get:
- Coach Selected Functional workouts x 21 - No equipment needed (TRX optional)
- Dedicated Next Lever Challenger Facebook Private Group membership
- Facebook Live Check-ins and Q&A with coaches (Mondays) x 3
- Nutrition themed Zoom calls: Live Q&A with coaches (Wednesdays) x 3
- Fitness themed Zoom calls: Live Q&A with coaches (Fridays) x 3
- Daily advice emails from our coaches x 21
- Daily pre-program mindset emails from our coaches x 14 (optional)
This is an introductory price only so pricing will increase in the future.
Sign up today, and challenge yourself to the Next Level!
only $87.78
Take the Challenge