Try this on for size…the summer’s inching ever closer, you’re about ready to break out your entire collection of short shorts and tank tops, but there’s a problem: You’ve been slacking on your strength training routine lately, and your guns are looking mighty rusty. Maybe you’re feelin’ a bit flimsy over here, a little feeble over there, and that tank-xiety is starting to kick in!
Well, we’ve got two pieces of advice for ya: 1) love yourself, love your body, and rock that tank! 2) and while you’re doing that, let’s get to work on those triceps!
A set of tight and toned triceps is a key ingredient to shapely and sleek arms. And what’s more, working your tri’s can lead to some pretty noticeable results pretty soon, unlike some other areas (looking at you, love handles & calves!). All you need are the best tricep exercises, and a little guidance from your friends at Studio SWEAT onDemand. So get those guns locked and loaded, because here come our favorite tricep exercises ever!
Tricep Dips
Dips are a highly effective and sore-arm inducing tricep workout that can be done with almost no equipment. You just need a stable, flat surface, and a whole lot of oomph!
How It’s Done: If you’re working with a workout bench or chair, simply place both hands on the surface with your feet extended far in front of you, resting on your heels. Then, while keeping your back close to the bench, lower yourself down slowly until your upper arms are parallel to the floor, and press back up.
Pro Tip: Rather than extending your legs straight, you can bend the knees for a slightly easier modification.
Equipment Needed: Chair, bench, or dip bars
Skull Crushers
Although they sound much scarier than they actually are (although that does depend on the weight you’re using), skull crushers are a super effective and super fun way to target all three heads of the triceps!
How It’s Done: Lay down flat on a workout bench or other raised flat surface. You’ll want to hold up a barbell above your head with your arms straight up. Keep your arms a little narrower than shoulder distance apart, slowly bring down to just above your forehead, and spring back up again.
Equipment Needed: Barbell or dumbbells

Overhead Tricep Extensions
Overhead tricep extensions are one of the most popular tricep exercises out there, and for very good reason — they’re one of the best ways to target the long head of your triceps, which is the innermost muscle closest to your lats.
How It’s Done: You can perform this one sitting or standing, just make sure to keep your back straight as an arrow for the duration of the workout. If you’re having trouble and need some support, sitting in a chair with back support is the way to go. Hold up a light dumbbell over your head, with both hands gripping the top of it, and slowly lower down behind your neck. When your arms are bent at a 90-degree angle, rest and bring it up again.
Equipment Needed: Dumbbell or kettlebell
Tricep Dumbbell Kickback
The lateral tricep is the strongest muscle in the tricep area, and the outermost on your body. And the bent-over dumbbell kickback is an excellent way to quickly and effectively burn it up!
How It’s Done: There are a couple ways to do this exercise. If you have a workout bench handy, place one knee on it, with the hand supporting on the same side. In your other hand, hold a dumbbell with your elbow bent close to you, then slowly kick the dumbbell back behind you. If you’re working without a bench, simply bend over to a near 90-degree angle and keep your back straight throughout the movement.
Equipment Needed: Dumbbell, workout bench (optional)
Diamond Push Up
Ok this last one is somewhat of a bonus, or an extra-credit tricep exercise, if you will. That’s because it’s also one of the hardest! If you need to work up to this exercise, we won’t judge.
How It’s Done: This is a simple push-up exercise, with your hands bent inwards facing each other. You can do them on your toes or your knees, just make sure you drop down slowly, pause for a moment, and then return again to starting position. Moving your hands next to each other makes the movement more difficult, bringing them out a bit makes them less challenging. Good luck!
Pro Tip: Drop to your knees when you’re first building up your strength for this tricep torturer!
Equipment Needed: Floor mat (optional)
Like That? Try This!
If you’re looking for some quick, efficient, and super fun tricep training, check out our brand new 10-Minute Tricep Workout, where our rockstar trainer Rebecca takes you through tons of arm-burning and tricep-toning exercises using your bodyweight and some light dumbbells. Try it!
And if you like what you see, be sure to sign up for a 7-Day Free Trial with Studio SWEAT onDemand. We’ve got an endless library of strength training workouts, not to mention Indoor Cycling, Barre, Pilates, Yoga, TRX, HIIT, and lots, lots more. Try em all!
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