When February rolls around, the season of love is never far behind. Yes, the birds start singing, the flowers get ready to bloom, and of course Valentine’s Day hits us right between the eyes. Yes, for those of us fortunate enough to be in lurrrrve (single people may want to sit this one out, things could get pretty mushy), it’s time to start getting ready for those special plans on that special evening. We pick up flowers, chocolates, flowery chocolate, chocolate-covered flowers, and frantically rush to get reservations at that $175-a-head-prix-fixe restaurant. And all in the sweet celebration of our one, true, love.
But as experts in the virtual fitness space, we at Studio SWEAT onDemand notice something else a little interesting that comes up around this time of year – the urge to lose weight, look good, and get buff in order to impress our significant others. And we respond to that impulse with a big fat NOPE! We’re not in the ego-image-superficiality business, we’re in the feeling-your-best-loving-yourself business! So we say, instead of trying to work out for your loved one, why not work out with them!
And so to help you, we’ve come up with the ultimate couples’ workout routine, so you can get all sweet and sweaty with your special someone.
A Couple Rules for the Perfect Couples’ Workout
Before we bring on all the love, let’s set a couple guidelines to keep everything romantic and not rocky. First, you’ll want to nix any competitive spirit that may arise – this isn’t about winning, it’s about mutually supporting each other. Secondly, you and your partner will most likely have different fitness skills and abilities — one of you may be more flexible, the other a bit stronger, one may have better lower body dexterity, and the other better conditioning — so you’ll want to adjust these movements so that both of you are challenged, yet within your range of ability and comfort.
Behind-the-Back Medicine Ball Pass
The point of a good couple workout is to connect with each other while crushing some fitness goals. And this one is an absolute blast – of your core, that is. Grab your nearest medicine ball and sit back-to-back, twisting and passing it back and forth. Try it ten times in one direction, ten in the other, and repeat three times. This can be done sitting down as pictured, or in a squat position, with thighs parallel to the floor and knees slightly bent.
Push-Up High-Fives
Comin’ in hot in our couples’ workout plan is a fun take on the classic push up. Each of you get into your normal position, whether on your knees or toes, and face each other. It’s important to look each other in the eye to maintain proper alignment as well as connecting on a personal level. And a simple high five when you reach the top of each movement works both to promote your balance, as well as your motivation. Try three sets of ten, or until one of you gets tuckered out.
The Squat ‘n’ Throw
Squats are one of the most effective compound exercises you can do. They’re also perfect for lovebirds! Grab a medicine ball, with a weight you both can manage, and stand about 4-5 feet apart. With both hands, throw it softly to your beloved – when they catch it they go immediately into a deep squat, spring up, and toss right back to you. Try this for about ten throws for each person, for three sets.

Back-to-Back Yoga Ball Squats
Squats are so nice, we’re naming them twice! But for this version, you’ll be using a lot more of your core to maintain balance and keep proper form. Grab a large inflatable yoga ball (you can also do this sans-ball, but it’s a bit tougher all around) and stand against it, leaning on each other. You’ll want to start with your feet a good deal in front of you, so that when you dip down, your knees stay just a few inches in front of your toes, not much more. Anyway, dig down deep, and spring up slowly — and if it’s a bit tough maintaining the same speed in your movements, that’s exactly where your core development comes in.
Wall-Sit & Tricep Dip
Next up in our couples workout routine is a fun one, involving each person doing a separate exercise, but both feeling the burn! One person goes into a wall-sit, with their legs in a perfect right angle with the floor. The other person places both hands on their knees and goes into a deep tricep dip. Try this for five reps, and then switch positions. Unless your mutual bodyweight differences are vast, both of you should be able to do this just fine!
Couple Ups!
This one’s a classic, but a classic for a reason! Sit-ups or crunches are an effective core burning exercise, and a great one to do as a couple. Have one person get into sit-up form, with their knees bent at a 45° angle, laying back on the floor. The other person can rest their knees on their feet (unless it’s painful) or just hold them down with both hands for stability. You can either do full sit-ups, coming all the way up (for a little kiss if you’re feeling the love), or into a simple crunch (if you’re just focusing on getting through this core crusher). As far as reps are concerned, do as many movements as you’re comfortable with (don’t push yourself too hard, but you also need to make sure you feel it), and then switch out. Try this for three sets.
Couples’ Bootcamp
Now, this Partner-Up Bootcamp Workout isn’t a single exercise, but an all-out, high-intensity, free-for-all! Grab a set of dumbbells, as well as your nearest and dearest, and get ready to rip and roar through 45 minutes of muscle-building, body-sculpting, and heart-thumping drills made for two!
That’s it, loveys! We hope you’ve enjoyed our couple workout plan, and hope it brings you closer together this Valentine’s Day. And if you’re digging the feeling of working out at home as a couple, why not sign up for a 7-Day Free Trial with Studio SWEAT onDemand? We’ve got a huge library of virtual group fitness classes that you can do from the comfort of home, and even a whole collection of Partner Workouts so you and your sweet someone can get to sweatin’ together! We also feature everything from Indoor Cycling to Kickboxing, Yoga to TRX, Barre to HIIT, and tons more, so you can look forward to endless variety that’ll always keep things fresh, and keep your fitness candle burning! Sign up today and feel the love!
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