Oh, only the best, most effective full body routines for fat loss, that’s what!
Everybody is talking about it. Everybody is doing it. But what’s a HIIT workout really? It’s simply the best and most effective routine for fat burning. And with a full body HIIT workout at home, you’ll be seein’ some serious fat loss in no time!
High-intensity interval training, or HIIT, is a workout designed to have your heart work at its most efficient level. In the past few years, this style of exercise has been slowly increasing in popularity, becoming the latest trend in home and gym-based fitness. And there’s a good reason why! During this type of exercising, you train intensely and quickly for a brief amount of time, just stopping to rest during a short – and generally active – period.
By switching between active and resting time, you will keep your heart rate up, which is why the best HIIT workout routine burns fat like nothin’ else. This is because a HIIT routine increases the body’s need for oxygen during active time, creating a shortage of oxygen that causes the body to ask for more air during recovery.
While HIIT can be used for effective fat loss, it can also be a good way to improve aerobic and anaerobic endurance. Big words we know, but whatever your goal, don’t forget that your diet is fundamental in determining how much fat loss you achieve: manipulating calories and maintaining a high intake of water is a must when you do a full body HIIT workout at home!
What’s the best fat burning HIIT workout routine?
According to a study published in Medicine and Science in Sports and Exercise, a 4×4 workout is the best HIIT workout routine to improve fitness. Cardio exercises that involve large group muscles are also extremely effective. Try warming up for 10 minutes with a quick walk and then alternate between a fast 4-minute run and a 3-minute walk. Or… enjoy the best Spin HIIT workout using the same plan, but the run is a heavy resistance sprint on a hill and the walk is just a recovery flat! Repeat this interval 4 times, and you should start seeing results within weeks.
Is it possible to have a full body HIIT workout at home?
You don’t have time to leave the house and hit the gym or the street? No worries and no excuses! A full body HIIT workout at home is all you need! It doesn’t require much equipment, and it can even only use your own weight to improve your endurance and fitness level.
Sometimes, the best fat burning HIIT workout can take as little as 12 minutes, but you’ll still feel the results later, as high intensity interval training is designed to have you keep burning calories for hours after you’re done exercising. Is it magic? Not quite, but science can sometimes be magical.
To target every single group muscle in your body, try this super easy plan, which is one of the most effective HIIT workouts for fat loss:
Air squats: stand, place your feet at the same width as your shoulders and bend your arms with hands at chest level. Now push your butt back and pretend to be sitting in a chair, lowering yourself down slowly until hip crease is below knees. Stand up again and repeat.
Push Ups: Place your feet and hands on the floor with your body straight. Lower yourself down and raise yourself up. Make sure your core stays tight.
Planks: Face the floor and get on your hands and toes by keeping your arms straight and your core tight. You want to create a straight line from toes to shoulders.
Burpees: Stand up and quickly drop your body to the floor while you kick your feet behind and touch your chest to the ground. Do this as fast as possible as you bring your feet back under you and then jump into the air back into a standing position.
Do three rounds of these four moves. Do as many as you can of the first move for 30 seconds before resting for another 30 and getting onto the next move. A full body HIIT workout at home has never been so quick and efficient! Are you ready to see those results just yet?
If you’re looking to get serious about your HIIT routine, get a free trial with Studio SWEAT onDemand today!
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