Time to get grounded, and not the type where your dad confines you to your room, but rather the kind of grounded that makes you feel at one with the Earth. That makes you feel connected. That makes you feel confident. This is video #4 in the 30 Day Dance Fever 3D program. This super fun online dance cardio workout is complimentary for All Access Pass Holders to have forever access to, and if you’d also like access to the complete program (which includes the “How-Tos” behind the 30 Day Training, a private Facebook group, the lead dancer’s nutrition tips, and more), go to https://www.studiosweatondemand.com/dancefever3D now!
Head, Shoulders, Knees and… a fun workout? That’s right! This class is a perfect toddler exercise activity for when you want the little ones to burn off some energy and you want to get your workout in at the same time. This “Mommy and Me” workout video is fun, educational, and a great way for Moms, Dads, and care providers to spend quality, healthy time with their kiddos.
You’ll run, skip, hop, and jump, right next to your kids. And (spoiler alert), they may even be on your back or in your arms at times 🙂 So grab your mini-Komrades, click play, and get ready to laugh.
Please read the disclaimer below before clicking play on this amazing workout.
Barry’s Bootcamp workout will seem like a walk in the park compared to this killer treadmill bootcamp! Trainer Miriam will quickly move between the tread and floor for 10 rounds of 6-minute sets. New movements on the tread reduce joint compression and overuse injuries that you risk with straight running. On the floor, you’ll engage both body and mind with functional training movements to support daily living activities. Click play on this power hour now!
– This workout does involve many atypical movements on the treadmill that might be new to you such as joggin backward, standing laterally on the belt, etc. The movements are optional, but if you want to try them consider starting at very low speeds.
– When taking the workout the first time consider not using weights on the treadmill
– You might benefit from placing a stool or side table next to the treadmill to put your weights on. For most treads it’s not a good idea to place them on the tread anywhere.
– Treadmills are varying lengths, just like us humans, so you may not be able to fully extend your arms like you see the more petit trainer able to do. That’s ok.
– This workout has a lot of speed and elevation changes when on the tread so we caution you to hang onto the tread handles to keep your balance and footing.
– The bottom line is that you should always err on the side of safety first.
This workout does not include a cool-down, but we have some great options here!