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    HIIT Spin + TRX Sculpt

    Ready to rock out and work hard? You’ll get it in this Spinning and TRX workout with the Olganator. Start by activating your leg muscles and getting your heart rate up with a hills and HIIT ride on your bike. Then move to the floor for a TRX (or you can use dumbbells) no-repeat total body strength workout. It’s a challenge, but oh-so-fun!! Press play to get to work!

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    Beastly Besties Cycle & Sculpt

    This workout with Best Friends, AJ & Monica, is so…much…fun! It’s a Virtual Cycle & Sculpt Workout designed not only for those that are in perfect shape, but also for those that are fighting some sort of disability or limitation like an injury, or in Monica’s case M.S. – yeah, she’s unstoppable.

    The format is simple: Spin, Sculpt, Spin some more, then cool-down and stretch. For the resistance training exercises you can either use dumbbells or TRX straps – you pick! Let’s go have some fun!

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    Turn & Burn Spin Sculpt

    Intervals & Endurance on the bike. Strength and Balance on the floor. This Spin & Strength combo class with Cat Kom is a whole lotta turn & burn. For the lean-mass building floor set, which comes after a 25 Min Spin Sweat-Fest, you can choose to use either TRX straps or an exercise resistance band. Get after it!

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    Bike, Bell & Burn (TRX option)

    If you have a bike and dumbbells you can do this killer Spin and Strength workout, but if you have TRX Straps and/or a Kettlebell, you can pull those out to add to the fun! It goes like so:

    > 20 sweat-soaked minutes on the bike
    > 15 lean-body mass building minutes with your bell
    > 12 minutes using TRX or body-weight or dumbbells
    > A killer interval set on the bike to wrap it up!

    Yeah, it’s frickin’ awesome. You’ll see. Let’s ride…and sculpt…and sculpt more…and ride more. Tee-hee. Leggo!

    *Don’t forget to stretch!*

    Check out Miriam’s 5 Minute Post-Workout Stretch: https://www.studiosweatondemand.com/classes/stretch-restore-workouts/post-spin-cycling-stretches-in-5-minutes-by-studio-sweat-ondemand/

    Or choose another stretch session from our awesome selection of Stretch Classes: https://www.studiosweatondemand.com/classes/stretch-restore-workouts/

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    Spin Sculpt (with TRX option) March 12, 2017

    Many of you will see a P.R. (personal record) for calorie burn in this Killer Spin Sculpt Fusion class, as 2 of Studio SWEAT’s most popular trainers, Cat & Brian, bring the heat!

    The format is simple… we ride, we sculpt on the floor, then we ride some more. There’s a perfect combination of fat frying interval and endurance drills, as well as power climbs and fast flats. Clearly the riding is awesome, but the body-toning floor work is just as incredible. Expect to fire up every major muscle group in a fun format, and using the tool(s) of your choice (either just dumbbells, or a combo of TRX and dumbbells). FIRE IT UP!

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    Spin Sculpt (with TRX option) November 20, 2016

    Got Dumbbells? You can do this. Got TRX? Nice, that’s an option too! Either way, just add your indoor cycling bike and it is so… on. It all starts with about 30 minutes of killer endurance Spinning. Your heart rate will be high and your legs will feel the burn.

    Then with that body smokin’ warm, it is time to tone. Just grab your TRX straps or your dumbbells to get it done. “It” meaning dedicated upper body and core toning, followed by a little leg and glute burnout! It’s just a solid workout.

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    TRX Spin April 17, 2016

    Burn fat and build muscle with this fast paced total body TRX and Indoor Cycling workout, which includes short-but-intense intervals, full-body strength moves, and an extra dose of abdominal work!

    You will be on the bike for the first half of the class crushing a series of hills with some longer climbs, flats, and sprints with shorter recovery times.

    Then a quick transition is made to the TRX for the second half, as we work on burning more fat, and sculpting that body!! This class has 30 second timed intervals guaranteed to keep your heart rate pumping and burning mega calories while you’re engaged in intense body conditioning. Get to it!

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    Spin Sculpt (with TRX Option): SLIM & STRONG

    This killer workout is uniquely designed to maximize our time and leaves no man (or woman) left behind. You have the option to use your TRX® straps or your free weights to get it done, but know you’re gonna get worked and feel INCREDIBLE when you’re done conquering this amazing fitness class!

    Your legs are going to be the “driving” force in this class, but don’t worry, that upper body is gonna feel oh so good too. Trainer Brooke takes you through powerful drills on the bike, intermixed with two intricate super-sets on the floor. Heart pumping, calorie crushing, strength building, and SWEAT pouring is what’s in store for you. So… GO GET IT!

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    TRX Spin June 11, 2015

    Well… I’ll say this to start, several SWEATers said this was their highest burn EVER in a workout. Now to be fair, that’s partially because we go the extra mile, literally and figuratively. That’s not it though. With a solid warm up followed by two 12 minute power rides, sandwiched between two killer 18 minute sculpting sets, you just flat out GET IT DONE HUN!

    And, yeah, you’ll probably feel it the next day, and the day after that, and the day after that. AMEN my sistas and brothas, you just got served one tasty meal. EAT IT UP.

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    TRX Spin January 15, 2015

    Get ready for a killer sweat sculpting ride where we tackle four intense intervals five times through in just shy of 30 mins. Between each interval set, you’ll have a short endurance ride to keep you in your fat burning zone, while at the same time allowing you to recharge your body’s battery, giving you the energy needed to CRUSH every power push.

    This epic EPOC (after burn effect) ride is followed by a solid “carve it up” TRX® set. Expect some killer cardio, along with chiseling chest & core sets that are sure to take you out of your comfort zone. Next we tone up the arms before heading back to heart charging cardio, chest & core AGAIN. The idea is to hone in on that long lean look. If you have a medium weight dumbbell, have it handy for an added challenge; if you don’t, no worries, you can still play along. We got this!

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    TRX Spin September 21, 2014

    This class is SICK! With a G-thang heavy vibe you’re gonna ride steady and strong for 35 solid minutes before dropping (almost literally) to the floor, where Cat leads you into a body solid Core Driven TRX® workout where your endurance strength is put to the test. That means progress guys. When asked about this workout Cat said, “I almost hurled, but I loved it. People are gonna feel accomplished when it’s over.”. You want that? Uh huh. Let’s go.

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    TRX Spin April 24, 2014

    Almost 70 minutes of Body Sculpting, Fat Melting Fun is what you get in this incredible TRX®Spin® class! Expect powerful rides with multiple fast dismounts where we cover firming up every major muscle you have! When we are building lean body mass with TRX® remember to START at as DEEP an angle as you can for the upper body work, then adjust taller as necessary within the set. Bringing you to the next level of intensity. Have fun, and get drenched workin’ it out!