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    9 Fat-Frying Moves (60 Min Cycle)

    Heart pumping AND toning all while staying on the bike? You bet! And that’s why we love this all-in-one cardio and strength Spin workout with 9 high-energy drills that build muscle and torch fat. Each round will get progressively longer, but trust us, the time will fly by. Hit play & crank up the volume – that sizzle you hear is your fat frying!

    This workout does not include a full cool-down and stretch, but we have some great options here!

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    Awesome Zone 2 Ride

    Looking for a guided warmup, a lower to moderate workout, or maybe an active recovery ride following a tough workout? Put this awesome Zone 2 Spin class straight into your favorites for situations just like that. This class can even be taken as an easy short session to get the blood flowing on your rest day. Today let’s ride smarter, not harder.